Mechanical Testing

The safety and effectiveness of contemporary total hip replacement systems relies on laboratory evaluation of the stability, structural integrity and durability of these devices. ORL has more than two decades of experience performing static and fatigue evaluations of both acetabular and femoral stem constructs. Beyond having the expertise to perform the below standards, ORL is the historical reference for many of them and has been providing data to regulatory agencies since their development.
- ASTM F543-13
- ASTM F1814-15
- ASTM F1820-13
- ASTM F2003-02(2015)
- ASTM F2009-00(2011)
- ASTM F2025-06(2012)
- ASTM F2068-15
- ASTM F2091-15
- ASTM F2345-03(2013)
- ASTM F2580-24
- ASTM F2582-14
- ISO 7206-4
- ISO 7206-6
- ISO 7206-10
- ISO 7206-12