Mechanical Testing
The safety and effectiveness of contemporary spinal construct systems, both fusion and motion preserving, relies on laboratory evaluation of the stability, structural integrity and durability of these devices. ORL has more than a decade of experience performing static and fatigue evaluations of these components. ORL has focused expertise to perform the below standards and provide data to regulatory agencies.
- ASTM F543-13
- ASTM F1717-15
- ASTM F1798-13
- ASTM F2193-14
- ASTM F2003-02(2015)
- ASTM F2077-14
- ASTM F2267-04(2011)
- ASTM F2346-05(2011)
- ASTM F2423-11
- ASTM F2624-12
- ASTM F2694-07(2013)
- ASTM F2790-10(2014)